I hope everyone had a very Happy Valentine's day. Mine was ammmaaazzziiinnngg. Even though nothing went as planned I had prepared myself for that. Here is what my day looked like:
5:00 AM Lylah woke up for a bottle
5:30 AM Lylah went to sleep
6:00 AM I begin washing an enormous pile of laundry
9:00 AM Keygan and Lylah wake up. I make breakfast and dress them in 30 min
9:30 AM We head out the door for ChuckEcheese. We make a fast pit stop at the $ store. I'm worried I don't have enough supplies
10:00 AM We arrive at ChuckeEcheese. Had an encounter with the manager to get a table without ordering first. IT was 10 AM i wasn't going to eat greasy food that early
10:30 AM We begin making v-day cards for the kids at the Ronald McDonald house and my hubby calls telling me he is home. Go figure!!! so I spend the rest of the playgroup worrying if i should go home because he is unsure how long he will get home.
11:45 AM Leave playgroup. Hubby explains he is at ext 3 on the way to playgroup. I told him i would be home in 30 min just to turn around.
Noon/ 12:15 PM Drop of card to the Ronald McDonald house.
12:30 PM Made it home. Cuddled with my hubby until 3:30;-) I LOVE THAT MAN
4:00 PM arrived at Burt's amazing Butcher Shoppe for dinner
5:30 PM went shopping and found a bedroom suit for 400. PERFECT
6:30 PM drove home with my hubby holding my hand
7:30 PM Begin baking hubby snacks for the field * He went two days and miss every chow both days*
8:00 PM Took some snacks to a friend that her baby in the ER
9:00 PM Came home to this----

Now here is how my day was supposed to look:
5 AM Lylah Bottle and then go back to sleep
8: AM Keygan get up and get dressed & I start breakfast
8: 30 AM Lylah gets up eats and then I dress her
8:45-9:30 AM Clean up breakfast mess pack diaper bag and etc...
9:30 leave house
10: AM Arrive at ChuckEChesse
11:30 Deliver valentines to Ronald McDonald house
12:30 Lunch and clean up
3:30 leave for dinner with the girls
4:00 Dinner at Fuji's/ Fiji's Ha
6:00 Movies
7:30 Bedtime for kids
8-10 RELAX;-)
But the day before when i was planning out our day I just knew my valentine's day wasn't going to go as planned and James was going to get a shower run and instead of being upset i just went with the flow and enjoyed my family being together and able to share all the LOVE, Flowers, Balloons, and chocolate on this love-filled day!