I listened to Christmas music on the radio while cleaning up our breakfast mess.
Walmart already has extra cashiers working the checkouts.
A few select neighbors already have their christmas trees up.
Secret Black friday links are posted around the net.
T.V. commercials are being hogged up by what looks like the newest and coolest toys ever.
While visiting the mall or outlet centers empty parking spaces are hard to find.
Every store is sold out of the latest video game system.
My son runs around the house singing "I wish it was a merry christmas" over and over!
You just bought your turkey a week ago and the commisary has them today for .25cents a pound.
What did I miss?? let me know
Saw your comments on my blog, always nice to meet new people! I saw on your profile that you are in Benning now? We just moved from Benning, let me know if you have questions, we can pick each other's brains!
You did a great job on the Blog! Glad you made one. We should try and get together over the holiday for the kids to play.
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