Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Update Sept. 09

Wow! So much has changed for us in the past month. Maybe one of these days I will have enough time and patients to write it all down, but I doubt it. Hopefully everyone is doing well. I just wanted to send you all a quick update.
James is loving school, last night we had our first tailgating experience with kids lol. They had a ball. Also, last night was his swearing in ceremony. We are all so proud of him. At school he is really excelling. He was the only freshmen picked to sit on the ROTC discipline board. The rest being seniors. He is taking 16 credit hours this semester and handing them really well. Most of his classes are History and ROTC and those are subjects that he enjoys even when not at school. Hopefully next semester he will have a better schedule but for now most of his days are spent
at school, but at least he is home at night to eat dinner with us...well except Monday's;(
Keygan and Delylah are doing well. Ly is walking all over the place and stubborn as ever. She hasn't figured out when she's crossed the line yet as does it numerous times a day. I'm just not sure what to do with her. She is to much like me and it drive me nuts sometimes. Keygan will be 5 on the 24th of September. CRAZY huh? He is still loving school and blows me away with everything he is learning. He will be having a Army boot camp party for his birthday. Where I will be breaking out my ACU's. He's going to get a kick of of that. I guess you can take the family out of the army, but not the army out of the family.

And last but not least...how am I doing? Honestly, this is a very hard adjustment. I've been an army wife so long its going to take some time to learn to be a "civilian" again. Hope is not lost yet even though I did try to show my drivers license to the cashier at Walmart. I am determined to figure it all out. One thing this past month has taught me is it will all work out. Don't stress it cause that will not change anything. It has to work out right?
Thank you all for everything. Army family thank you for being our family over these past years you always have a special place in our hearts. You loved us not because you was blood and had to, but because you WANTED to. WE LOVE YOU GUYS.

Above is James, Delylah and Great Granny Marie

Above James is leading the formation. Remember he is only considered a freshmen;-0)

Above Lylah with her aunt Pat. She loves playing w/ aunt pat

Above Keygan telling daddy he isn't doing it right lol

James is in the back right corner

James, Krissy, Keygan, and Delylah

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Hi everyone! Keygan Just finished up his first week Kindergarden.
He is doing great. The only problem is this school district only has half day Kindergarden. The reason for this is lack of funding. The school is having their fist fundraiser and we are hoping to help make this a success due to budget cut backs on everyone. If you can help out we would greatly appreciate it. Keygan has to sale 15 items to be able to get a ticket into the bike stunt show. NOW GO SHOP;-) here is the site:
when you check out it is important to enter KEYGAN's code so the school and key will get credit. Here is the code: 290639
I wish you all could see how grown up Keygan is. I really believe you all would be proud of the BIG BOY he is becoming. I know I am;-)